3 Persuasive Copywriting Techniques that Sell Products Fast
Persuasive Copywriting Technique #1: The Elephant
When a circus came into town, they would walk an elephant down the main street to get everyone's attention. They weren't carrying ten magician's rabbits or a hundred trained mice down Main Street, but rather one very huge, unmistakable elephant.
In copywriting, one good idea or advantage expressed clearly and convincingly is preferable to a hundred small ideas or benefits.
Readers cannot comprehend a hundred or even ten ideas or benefits. It's too much, generates confusion, and prompts the prospect to "think about it later" when it's not as painful.
And later never arrives.
However, one outstanding concept or advantage, delivered with one fascinating tale, stirring one emotion, and presenting one obvious solution to achieve a goal or overcome an issue will compel the prospect to make one unavoidable response - purchase the product.
Before you begin using this strategy, decide on your main idea. What is the one advantage you're going to highlight?
Once you've decided on a central concept, weave it throughout the entire promotion, from the ad or email through the sales page and even the checkout page.
Persuasive Copywriting Technique #2: AIDA and The 4U’s
I'm sure you're already familiar with the first half of this headline writing formula. A fantastic headline is essential for success, which is why your headline should:
Grab Attention
Arouse Interest
Create Desire
Motivate Action
That's the old AIDA formula, and it's just as applicable now as it was 50 years ago.
But, in today's world, if we want our headlines to be heard over the noise of the internet, we must go a step further and apply the 4U's as well. This is a review technique that will inform you whether your headline is going to hit sales out of the park or whether it needs to be tweaked first.
The Formula for the 4Us
1: Useful – Does your headline provide value to the prospect? If your target market is salespeople, for example, "7 Magic Words to Close Any Sale" would be beneficial to them.
2: Ultra-specific — does your headline use particular specifics to make the promise real, realistic, and achievable? Instead of saying, "Make More Sales," say, "Improve Your Conversion Rate by 36% Overnight."
3: Urgent – Does your headline imply that this communication is time sensitive and cannot be postponed? An excellent example is "5 Stocks That Will Double by May 29th."
4: Unique – does your title sound like nothing else on the internet? Instead of "How to Lower The Cholesterol," your title may be "3 Kitchen Ingredients that Lower Cholesterol by 33.3 percent."
Technique #3 of Persuasive Copywriting: 4Ps in the Body
Okay, we've covered the basic concept of the copy as well as the title, but what about the copy's body?
The four P's come into play here. They serve as the foundation for developing your sales pitch and persuading your reader to take action.
1: Picture - Use it to help the reader visualize the good effects your product will have on their lives.
With words, paint a picture of the huge difference your product will make for the reader.
2: Promise - this is the particular promise of your product's finest benefit. This single promise must be repeated throughout your article.
"New breakthrough in heart health might help you feel like you have a brand new heart in 60 days," for example. The benefit is improved heart health, and the promise is feeling like you have a brand new heart.
3: Proof - In order for your content to be effective, you must demonstrate that you can deliver on your promise. This means you must provide strong proof of your assertions for the prospect to believe you.
Use quotes, expert testimonies, user testimonials, track records, charts, diagrams, and so on to increase credibility and persuade the reader that this product works.
4: Push - this is where you persuade your reader to act. Remind your reader of the importance of resolving the situation, tell them exactly what to do, and emphasize how simple it is to take action.
Finish with reasons for people to act quickly, such as scarcity, a limited-time offer, or an external deadline (such as Christmas).
Finally, invert the risk by assuring them that by acting now, they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Tell them about your trial offer, if you have one, the return policy or money back guarantee, and how to contact customer support if they have a query or need assistance.
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